All The Lorcana Spoilers (So Far) - Cards, Gameplay and More!
Disney made a huge splash in the Trading Card industry at their annual D23 expo last fall with the announcement of their new Lorcana Trading Card Game. Disney fans and gamers have since gone crazy with their excitement for the game. Earlier this year, we finally got a look at the first “Chapter” including the release date of September 1, 2023 as well as the full sweep of products we can expect as a part of the release. Disney also announced that anyone planning to attend GenCon 2023: Indianapolis in August will get an exclusive first look at the game.
The products that we can expect to see as a part of the release of the first Chapter are Booster Packs, Starter Decks, a Gift Set, and a Illumineer’s Trove which is designed for collectors! You can read more about what is included in each of these products here. In addition to these products, fans can also expect to accessories such as Card Sleeves, Deck Boxes, Playmats, and Portfolios included with the release of the First Chapter. To keep up to date with all the Lorcana spoilers or to shop the Lorcana: The First Chapter collection, follow the buttons below.
Lorcana Card Spoilers
Online Spoilers

Frying Pan


Let It Go

Coconut Basket

Mickey Mouse

Part Of Your World

Magic Broom


Mickey Mouse

Develop Your Brain



Cheshire Cat


Mickey Mouse

D23 Spoilers

We can expect to find out more about how to play Disney’s Lorcana in the upcoming months as the mechanics of the game are slated to be revealed sometime in Spring 2023.
Lorcana Gameplay Spoilers
Quick Start Overview
Game Type
Card Types

Ink Types

Complete Game Overview
Card Parts

Setting Up The Game
Playing The Game
Beginning Phase
1. READY — Ready your exerted cards by turning them upright.
2. SET - Check for effects that happen at the start of your turn and follow their instructions.
3. DRAW - Draw a card from the top of your deck. The first player skips this step on their first turn.
Main Phase
Once per turn, you can put a card facedown into your inkwell at any time.
Additionally, you can take any actions listed below, any number of times, in any order you want. This allows you to take full advantage of what your cards can do in combination with other effects.
- Play a card.
- Use a character ability that doesn't require them to exert.
- Use an item ability.
Ready and Exerted Cards

The Inkwell
Playing Cards
Questing: To quest with one of your characters, exert them and gain lore equal to their lore value. Remember, you can't quest with a character the same turn you play them.
Using Abilities
Multiplayer Games
Building Decks
There are two ways to approach building a deck. The easiest is to switch out cards in an existing deck, like one of the ready-to-play starter decks. You can also build a new deck from scratch using the cards in your collection. This method is more work, but it can be a lot of fun!
Each Lorcana deck must follow these rules:
1. Your deck must have at least 60 cards in it.
2. Your deck can't contain more than 4 copies of any single card.
3. Your deck can only contain cards from 1or 2 inks.
Be sure to check out disneylorcana.com for videos with deckbuilding and strategy tips.
Turn Order at Glance
Beginning Phase
1. READY - Ready all your cards.
2. SET - Start of turn effects happen.
3. DRAW - Draw a card. (Skip this on the first turn).
Main Phase
Choose as many as you like (except as noted), in any order:
- Once a turn, add a card to your inkwell.
- Play a card.
- Activate an item.
- Play a character ability that doesn't require ink.
- With a character that was in play during the Set step: Quest, challenge an exerted character or use an ability that requires ink.
Organized Play Updates