Premium Collection (Galar Sidekicks)

Title: New
Sale price$0.00
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Set: Miscellaneous Sealed
Release Date: 2020-11-20
Power Up These First Partner Pokémon!

The three foundational Pokémon types—Grass, Fire, and Water—are powerful and straightforward, each with its own unique attacks and defenses! Power up all three first partner Pokémon with these Pokémon V and a set of amazing extras, and expand your collection with surprises from Pokémon TCG booster packs. It’s time to grow your early companions from the Galar region into the full-on powerhouses you know they can be!

The Pokémon TCG: Galar Sidekicks Premium Collection includes:

• 1 Foil card featuring Rillaboom V
• 1 Foil card featuring Cinderace V
• 1 Foil card featuring Inteleon V
• 1 Sidekick dangler featuring Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble
• 1 Oversize coin featuring Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble
• 11 Pokémon TCG booster packs (Each Sword & Shield Series and Sun & Moon Series pack contains 10 cards and 1 basic Energy. Each XY Series pack contains 10 cards)
• A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

Cards vary by pack. Booster packs may vary by product.

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