What is the Standard Format in Magic: The Gathering?

What is the Standard Format in Magic: The Gathering? 

When getting started with Magic: The Gathering, one of the first things you will need to decide is which format you would like to play. There are over 20 different formats that have been introduced to Magic: The Gathering over the years. One of the more commonly known formats in MTG is the Standard Format. 

The Standard format in Magic: The Gathering has been around since the early days of the game, although it has undergone several changes and revisions over the years. The concept of a rotating format that uses only the most recently released sets was first introduced in the late 1990s, when Magic was still a relatively new game. The format was initially called "Type 2," and it consisted of the most recent two years of sets at the time.

Over time, the name of the format changed to "Standard," and the number of sets in the format has fluctuated based on the release schedule. However, the basic concept of using only the most recent sets has remained the same.

The Standard format has always been a popular format among players, as it allows them to use the latest cards and strategies in the game. It also keeps the metagame fresh by rotating out older cards, which can help prevent dominant strategies from becoming too powerful.

In recent years, the popularity of the Standard format has continued to grow, and it's now one of the most widely played formats in the game. Wizards of the Coast holds regular tournaments and events featuring the Standard format, and it's also gained popularity in professional play, including the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour.

Playing Standard

How do you get started playing the Standard format in Magic: The Gathering? To play the Standard format in Magic: The Gathering, you will need a Standard-legal deck, which means it must consist only of cards from the most recently released sets. From there, the steps include:

Build a Deck: Choose cards from the most recently released sets to build a deck with a minimum of 60 cards. You can have no more than 4 copies of any card in your deck, except for basic lands.

Shuffle and Draw: Shuffle your deck and draw a starting hand of 7 cards.

Determine Who Goes First: Each player rolls a die, and the player with the highest roll goes first. In the case of a tie, players repeat the roll until there is a winner.

Play Lands: On your turn, you may play one land card from your hand to the battlefield. Lands are used to generate mana, which is needed to cast spells.

Cast Spells: You can cast spells from your hand by paying their mana cost. Each spell has a different effect, and some spells can be used to attack your opponent or defend your own life total.

Attack and Defend: If you have creatures on the battlefield, you can attack your opponent's life total by tapping them and declaring them as attackers. Your opponent can block with their own creatures, and combat damage is dealt based on the power and toughness of each creature.

End the Turn: Once you have taken all the actions you want to take, you can end your turn by passing to your opponent.

Repeat: Players take turns until one player reduces their opponent's life total to 0 or forces them to run out of cards in their deck.

In addition to the basic rules above, there are many other rules and mechanics in Magic: The Gathering that can affect gameplay in the Standard format. It's a good idea to read the rulebook or watch some gameplay videos to get a better understanding of the game.

Why Standard Over Other Formats? 

Why would you choose the Standard format over the many other formats available in Magic: The Gathering? There are several reasons why players might prefer the Standard format in Magic: The Gathering over other formats. Some of those factors include accessibility, freshness, balance, tournament availability, and professional play. 

Accessibility refers to how easy it is for you to get and understand the cards that you need for a legal Standard deck. Since Standard only uses the most recently released sets, it's easy for new and casual players to get involved in the format without having to learn the rules and interactions of older cards.

Since the card pool in Standard is constantly rotating, the metagame is constantly changing, which can keep the format feeling fresh and exciting. Magic: The Gathering players that prefer to keep their decks and gameplay fresh are probably more inclined to play in the Standard format. 

Some people prefer the Standard format because it offers more balance in complexity compared to other formats. Standard is designed to be a balanced format, with cards that are powerful but not overwhelming. This can make for more balanced and interesting gameplay. 

One of the other positives to the Standard format is there is more tournament availability in the format. Because Standard is one of the most popular formats in the game, there are many tournaments and events available for players who want to compete at a higher level. Lastly, there is the professional play aspect of this format. Many of the top Magic players in the world compete in the Standard format, so players who are interested in professional play may be more drawn to this format.

However, it's worth noting that different players may have different preferences when it comes to Magic formats. Some players may prefer more niche or specialized formats, such as Commander or Modern, that have their own unique gameplay mechanics and card pools. Ultimately, the best format for any given player will depend on their personal preferences and playstyle.

Whatever format you decide to start playing, Card Shop Live has you covered with all the Magic: The Gathering sealed product you need! Pick up a box from the latest Magic set from cardshoplive.com today!