Hit Rates for Pokemon TCG's Scarlet & Violet Base Set!

Hit Rates for Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet 

The Scarlet & Violet Base Set is the first expansion of the Scarlet & Violet Era! We've seen many changes that have come with this set like the return of Pokemon ex, the addition of silver borders and even a new rarity structure. The set has a total of 258 cards: 198 cards in the main set and 60 secret rare cards.

As far as booster packs go for Scarlet & Violet, each pack contains a total of 12 cards. Of these 12 cards, you will receive 4 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 1 reverse holo card, 1 reverse holo+ card, and 1 rare card. Packs also contain, 1 energy card and 1 code card for Pokemon Trading Card Game Live. Here is the order of the cards in the booster pack.

Break down of a Scarlet & Violet booster pack.

The Scarlet & Violet set has brought the addition of rarity symbols which note the rarity type of each card. Reverse Holo cards, Energy cards and Code Cards do not have a rarity symbol. All the other cards included in packs will be noted by their respective rarity symbol. Here is the breakdown of each of those rarity symbols. 



Illustration Rare

Special Illustration Rare

Hyper Rare


Double Rare

Ultra Rare

We couldn’t wait to get our hands on this product and once we did - we didn’t waste anytime! We got right to cracking packs and we’ve opened over 1,700 packs so far! 

In total, we opened over 20,000 cards from Scarlet & Violet. As a box breaks company, we’re always on the lookout for the top hits from the set and how hard they can be to find. So, we kept track of how often we opened some of the top hits in this set. The full summary is featured below. 

Rare Spot Hits

Below is the summary of the hits we opened out of 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs in the Rare card spot. 

  • Ultra Rare - Opened 112/1,728 times, resulting in a 6.48% hit rate. 
  • Double Rare - Opened 234/1,728 times, resulting in a 13.54% hit rate.

Rare spot hit rate information from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet set.

Reverse Holo+ Spot Hits 

Below is the summary of the hits we opened out of 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs in the Reverse Holo+ spot. 

  • Hyper Rare (Gold)  - Opened 32/1,728 times, resulting in a 1.85% hit rate. 
  • Special Illustration Rare - Opened 52/1,728 times, resulting in a 3.01% hit rate.
  • Illustration Rare - Opened 130/1,728 times, resulting in a 7.52% hit rate.

Reverse holo+ spot hit rate information from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet set.

**Disclaimer - the Pokemon Company does not officially release pull rate data and this data has been compiled from our own pack openings. Please use with caution. 

Hardest Cards to Hit

To break it down even further, let's go over the hardest to pull cards from Scarlet & Violet.

5. Special Illustration Rare Miraidon EX

At number five, we have the Special Illustration Rare Miraidon EX. Out of the 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs we opened, we hit this card a total of 7 times. 

4. Special Illustration Rare Gardevoir EX

The fourth rarest card we opened was the Special Illustration Rare Gardevoir EX. Out of the 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs we opened, we hit this card a total of 6 times.

3. Hyper Rare Gold Miraidon EX

At number three, we have the Hyper Rare Gold Miraidon EX. Out of the 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs we opened, we hit this card a total of 5 times.

2. Hyper Rare Gold Koraidon EX

At number three, we have the Hyper Rare Gold Koraidon EX. Out of the 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs we opened, we hit this card a total of 4 times.

1. Special Illustration Rare Miriam

Finally, at number one, we have the Special Illustration Rare Miriam. Out of the 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs we opened, we hit this card a total of 4 times. You’ll definitely want to keep an eye out for these cards! 

Hit rate for Special Illustration Rare Miraidon EX from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet.

Hit rate for Special Illustration Rare Gardevoir EX from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet.

Hit rate for Hyper Rare Gold Miraidon EX from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet.

Hit rate for Hyper Rare Gold Koraidon EX from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet.

Hit rate for Special Illustration Rare Miriam from Pokemon's Scarlet & Violet.

There you have it, the complete summary of what we got from 1,728 Scarlet & Violet packs. Want a chance to get your hands on these cards? Pick up your Scarlet & Violet products from Card Shop Live today or tune into our live Scarlet & Violet Breaks on Whatnot!